

Introduction of Delivery

Delivery is a mechanism used in knowledge distillation, which is to align the intermediate results between the teacher model and the student model by delivering and rewriting these intermediate results between them. As shown in the figure below, deliveries can be used to:

  • Deliver the output of a layer of the teacher model directly to a layer of the student model. In some knowledge distillation algorithms, we may need to deliver the output of a layer of the teacher model to the student model directly. For example, in LAD algorithm, the student model needs to obtain the label assignment of the teacher model directly.

  • Align the inputs of the teacher model and the student model. For example, in the MMClassification framework, some widely used data augmentations such as mixup and CutMix are not implemented in Data Pipelines but in forward_train, and due to the randomness of these data augmentation methods, it may lead to a gap between the input of the teacher model and the student model.


In general, the delivery mechanism allows us to deliver intermediate results between the teacher model and the student model without adding additional code, which reduces the hard coding in the source code.

Usage of Delivery

Currently, we support two deliveries: FunctionOutputsDelivery and MethodOutputsDelivery, both of which inherit from DistillDiliver. And these deliveries can be managed by DistillDeliveryManager or just be used on their own.

Their relationship is shown below.

UML 图 (7)


FunctionOutputsDelivery is used to align the function’s intermediate results between the teacher model and the student model.


When initializing FunctionOutputsDelivery, you need to pass func_path argument, which requires extra attention. For example, anchor_inside_flags is a function in mmdetection to check whether the anchors are inside the border. This function is in mmdet/core/anchor/ and used in mmdet/models/dense_heads/anchor_head. Then the func_path should be mmdet.models.dense_heads.anchor_head.anchor_inside_flags but not mmdet.core.anchor.utils.anchor_inside_flags.

Case 1: Delivery single function’s output from the teacher to the student.

import random
from mmrazor.core import FunctionOutputsDelivery

def toy_func() -> int:
    return random.randint(0, 1000000)

delivery = FunctionOutputsDelivery(max_keep_data=1, func_path='toy_module.toy_func')

# override_data is False, which means that not override the data with
# the recorded data. So it will get the original output of toy_func
# in teacher model, and it is also recorded to be deliveried to the student.
delivery.override_data = False
with delivery:
    output_teacher = toy_module.toy_func()

# override_data is True, which means that override the data with
# the recorded data, so it will get the output of toy_func
# in teacher model rather than the student's.
delivery.override_data = True
with delivery:
    output_student = toy_module.toy_func()

print(output_teacher == output_student)



Case 2: Delivery multi function’s outputs from the teacher to the student.

If a function is executed more than once during the forward of the teacher model, all the outputs of this function will be used to override function outputs from the student model


Delivery order is first-in first-out.

delivery = FunctionOutputsDelivery(
    max_keep_data=2, func_path='toy_module.toy_func')

delivery.override_data = False
with delivery:
    output1_teacher = toy_module.toy_func()
    output2_teacher = toy_module.toy_func()

delivery.override_data = True
with delivery:
    output1_student = toy_module.toy_func()
    output2_student = toy_module.toy_func()

print(output1_teacher == output1_student and output2_teacher == output2_student)




MethodOutputsDelivery is used to align the method’s intermediate results between the teacher model and the student model.

Case: Align the inputs of the teacher model and the student model

Here we use mixup as an example to show how to align the inputs of the teacher model and the student model.

  • Without Delivery

from mmcls.models.utils import Augments
from mmrazor.core import MethodOutputsDelivery

augments_cfg = dict(type='BatchMixup', alpha=1., num_classes=10, prob=1.0)
augments = Augments(augments_cfg)

imgs = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32)
label = torch.randint(0, 10, (2,))

imgs_teacher, label_teacher = augments(imgs, label)
imgs_student, label_student = augments(imgs, label)

print(torch.equal(label_teacher, label_student))
print(torch.equal(imgs_teacher, imgs_student))


from mmcls.models.utils import Augments
from mmrazor.core import DistillDeliveryManager

The results are different due to the randomness of mixup.

  • With Delivery

delivery = MethodOutputsDelivery(
    max_keep_data=1, method_path='mmcls.models.utils.Augments.__call__')

delivery.override_data = False
with delivery:
    imgs_teacher, label_teacher = augments(imgs, label)

delivery.override_data = True
with delivery:
    imgs_student, label_student = augments(imgs, label)

print(torch.equal(label_teacher, label_student))
print(torch.equal(imgs_teacher, imgs_student))



The randomness is eliminated by using MethodOutputsDelivery.

2.3 DistillDeliveryManager

DistillDeliveryManager is actually a context manager, used to manage delivers. When entering the DistillDeliveryManager, all delivers managed will be started.

With the help of DistillDeliveryManager, we are able to manage several different DistillDeliveries with as little code as possible, thereby reducing the possibility of errors.

Case: Manager deliveries with DistillDeliveryManager

from mmcls.models.utils import Augments
from mmrazor.core import DistillDeliveryManager

augments_cfg = dict(type='BatchMixup', alpha=1., num_classes=10, prob=1.0)
augments = Augments(augments_cfg)

distill_deliveries = [
    ConfigDict(type='MethodOutputs', max_keep_data=1,

# instantiate DistillDeliveryManager
manager = DistillDeliveryManager(distill_deliveries)

imgs = torch.randn(2, 3, 32, 32)
label = torch.randint(0, 10, (2,))

manager.override_data = False
with manager:
    imgs_teacher, label_teacher = augments(imgs, label)

manager.override_data = True
with manager:
    imgs_student, label_student = augments(imgs, label)

print(torch.equal(label_teacher, label_student))
print(torch.equal(imgs_teacher, imgs_student))




[1] Zhang, Hongyi, et al. “mixup: Beyond empirical risk minimization.” arXiv abs/1710.09412 (2017).

[2] Yun, Sangdoo, et al. “Cutmix: Regularization strategy to train strong classifiers with localizable features.” ICCV (2019).

[3] Nguyen, Chuong H., et al. “Improving object detection by label assignment distillation.” WACV (2022).

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