
Source code for mmrazor.models.mutators.one_shot_mutator

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

from mmrazor.models.builder import MUTATORS
from .base import BaseMutator

[docs]@MUTATORS.register_module() class OneShotMutator(BaseMutator): """A mutator for the one-shot NAS, which mainly provide some core functions of changing the structure of ``ARCHITECTURES``.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random_mask(space_info, searching): """Generate random mask for randomly sampling. Args: space_info (dict): Record the information of the space need to sample. searching (bool): Whether is in search stage. Returns: torch.Tensor: Random mask generated. """ space_mask = space_info['space_mask'] num_chosen = space_info['num_chosen'] assert num_chosen <= space_mask.size()[0] choice_idx = torch.multinomial(space_mask, num_chosen) choice_mask = torch.zeros_like(space_mask) choice_mask[choice_idx] = 1 if dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized() and not searching: dist.broadcast(choice_mask, src=0) return choice_mask
[docs] def sample_subnet(self, searching=False): """Random sample subnet by random mask. Args: searching (bool): Whether is in search stage. Returns: dict: Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are random mask generated. """ subnet_dict = dict() for space_id, space_info in self.search_spaces.items(): subnet_dict[space_id] = self.get_random_mask(space_info, searching) return subnet_dict
[docs] def set_subnet(self, subnet_dict): """Setting subnet in the supernet based on the result of ``sample_subnet`` by changing the flag: ``in_subnet``, which is easy to implement some operations for subnet, such as ``forward``, calculate flops and so on. Args: subnet_dict (dict): Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are masks. """ for space_id, space_info in self.search_spaces.items(): choice_mask = subnet_dict[space_id] for module in space_info['modules']: module.choice_mask = choice_mask for i, choice in enumerate(module.choices.values()): if choice_mask[i]: choice.apply( partial(self.reset_in_subnet, in_subnet=True)) else: choice.apply( partial(self.reset_in_subnet, in_subnet=False))
[docs] @staticmethod def reset_in_subnet(m, in_subnet=True): """Reset the module's attribution. Args: m (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The module in the supernet. in_subnet (bool): If the module in subnet, set ``in_subnet`` to True, otherwise set to False. """ m.__in_subnet__ = in_subnet
[docs] def set_chosen_subnet(self, subnet_dict): """Set chosen subnet in the search_spaces after searching stage. Args: subnet_dict (dict): Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are masks. """ for space_id, mask in subnet_dict.items(): idxs = [i for i, x in enumerate(mask.tolist()) if x == 1.0] self.search_spaces[space_id]['chosen'] = [ self.search_spaces[space_id]['choice_names'][i] for i in idxs ]
[docs] def mutation(self, subnet_dict, prob=0.1): """Mutation used in evolution search. Args: subnet_dict (dict): Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are masks. prob (float): The probability of mutation. Returns: dict: A new subnet_dict after mutation. """ mutation_subnet_dict = copy.deepcopy(subnet_dict) for name, mask in subnet_dict.items(): if np.random.random_sample() < prob: mutation_subnet_dict[name] = self.get_random_mask( self.search_spaces[name], searching=True) return mutation_subnet_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def crossover(subnet_dict1, subnet_dict2): """Crossover used in evolution search. Args: subnet_dict1 (dict): Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are masks. subnet_dict2 (dict): Record the information to build the subnet from the supernet, its keys are the properties ``space_id`` of placeholders in the mutator's search spaces, its values are masks. Returns: dict: A new subnet_dict after crossover. """ crossover_subnet_dict = copy.deepcopy(subnet_dict1) for name, mask in subnet_dict2.items(): if np.random.random_sample() < 0.5: crossover_subnet_dict[name] = mask return crossover_subnet_dict
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