
Source code for mmrazor.models.distillers.single_teacher

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm

from ..builder import DISTILLERS, MODELS, build_loss
from .base import BaseDistiller

[docs]@DISTILLERS.register_module() class SingleTeacherDistiller(BaseDistiller): """Distiller with single teacher. Args: teacher (dict): The config dict for teacher. teacher_trainable (bool): Whether the teacher is trainable. Default: False. teacher_norm_eval (bool): Whether to set teacher's norm layers to eval mode, namely, freeze running stats (mean and var). Note: Effect on Batch Norm and its variants only. Default: True. components (dict): The details of the distillation. It usually includes the module names of the teacher and the student, and the losses used in the distillation. """ def __init__(self, teacher, teacher_trainable=False, teacher_norm_eval=True, components=tuple(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.teacher_trainable = teacher_trainable self.teacher_norm_eval = teacher_norm_eval self.teacher = self.build_teacher(teacher) self.components = components self.losses = nn.ModuleDict() self.align_modules = nn.ModuleDict() # Record the featuremaps that need to calculate the distillation loss. self.student_outputs = dict() self.teacher_outputs = dict() for i, component in enumerate(self.components): student_module_name = component['student_module'] teacher_module_name = component['teacher_module'] # The type of every student_output is a list by default, because # some modules will execute multiple forward calculations, such as # the shareable head in Retinanet self.student_outputs[student_module_name] = list() self.teacher_outputs[teacher_module_name] = list() # If the number of featuremap channels of student and teacher are # inconsistent, they need to be aligned by a 1x1 convolution align_module_cfg = getattr(component, 'align_module', None) if align_module_cfg is not None: align_module_name = f'component_{i}' align_module = self.build_align_module(align_module_cfg) self.align_modules[align_module_name] = align_module # Multiple losses can be calculated at the same location for loss in component.losses: loss_cfg = loss.copy() loss_name = loss_cfg.pop('name') self.losses[loss_name] = build_loss(loss_cfg)
[docs] def build_teacher(self, cfg): """Build a model from the `cfg`.""" teacher = return teacher
[docs] def build_align_module(self, cfg): """Build ``align_module`` from the `cfg`. ``align_module`` is needed when the number of channels output by the teacher module is not equal to that of the student module, or for some other reasons. Args: cfg (dict): The config dict for ``align_module``. """ in_channels = cfg.student_channels out_channels = cfg.teacher_channels if cfg.type == 'conv2d': align_module = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 1) elif cfg.type == 'linear': align_module = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels) return align_module
[docs] def prepare_from_student(self, student): """Registers a global forward hook for each teacher module and student module to be used in the distillation. Args: student (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The student model to be used in the distillation. """ # Record the mapping relationship between student's modules and module # names. self.student_module2name = {} for name, module in student.model.named_modules(): self.student_module2name[module] = name self.student_name2module = dict(student.model.named_modules()) # Record the mapping relationship between teacher's modules and module # names. self.teacher_module2name = {} for name, module in self.teacher.named_modules(): self.teacher_module2name[module] = name self.teacher_name2module = dict(self.teacher.named_modules()) # Register forward hooks for modules that need to participate in loss # calculation. for component in self.components: student_module_name = component['student_module'] teacher_module_name = component['teacher_module'] student_module = self.student_name2module[student_module_name] teacher_module = self.teacher_name2module[teacher_module_name] student_module.register_forward_hook( self.student_forward_output_hook) teacher_module.register_forward_hook( self.teacher_forward_output_hook)
[docs] def teacher_forward_output_hook(self, module, inputs, outputs): """Save the module's forward output. Args: module (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The module to register hook. inputs (tuple): The input of the module. outputs (tuple): The output of the module. """ if self.teacher_outputs[self.teacher_module2name[module]].append( outputs)
[docs] def student_forward_output_hook(self, module, inputs, outputs): """Save the module's forward output. Args: module (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The module to register hook. inputs (tuple): The input of the module. outputs (tuple): The output of the module. """ if self.student_outputs[self.student_module2name[module]].append( outputs)
[docs] def reset_outputs(self, outputs): """Reset the teacher's outputs or student's outputs.""" for key in outputs.keys(): outputs[key] = list()
[docs] def exec_teacher_forward(self, data): """Execute the teacher's forward function. After this function, the teacher's featuremaps will be saved in ``teacher_outputs``. """ # Convert the context manager's mode to teacher. self.reset_ctx_teacher_mode(True) # Clear the saved data of the last forward。 self.reset_outputs(self.teacher_outputs) if self.teacher_trainable: output = self.teacher(**data) else: with torch.no_grad(): output = self.teacher(**data) return output
[docs] def exec_student_forward(self, student, data): """Execute the teacher's forward function. After this function, the student's featuremaps will be saved in ``student_outputs``. """ # Convert the context manager's mode to teacher. self.reset_ctx_teacher_mode(False) # Clear the saved data of the last forward。 self.reset_outputs(self.student_outputs) output = student(**data) return output
[docs] def train(self, mode=True): """Set distiller's forward mode.""" super(SingleTeacherDistiller, self).train(mode) if mode and self.teacher_norm_eval: for m in self.teacher.modules(): if isinstance(m, _BatchNorm): m.eval()
[docs] def get_teacher_outputs(self, teacher_module_name): """Get the outputs according module name.""" return self.teacher_outputs[teacher_module_name]
[docs] def compute_distill_loss(self, data=None): """Compute the distillation loss.""" losses = dict() for i, component in enumerate(self.components): # Get the student's outputs. student_module_name = component['student_module'] student_outputs = self.student_outputs[student_module_name] # Align student output's channels with teacher. align_module_name = f'component_{i}' if align_module_name in self.align_modules: align_module = self.align_modules[align_module_name] student_outputs = [ align_module(s_out) for s_out in student_outputs ] # Get the teacher's outputs. teacher_module_name = component['teacher_module'] teacher_outputs = self.get_teacher_outputs(teacher_module_name) # One module maybe have N outputs, such as the shareable head in # RetinaNet. for out_idx, (s_out, t_out) in enumerate( zip(student_outputs, teacher_outputs)): for loss in component.losses: loss_module = self.losses[] loss_name = f'{}.{out_idx}' # TODO ugly implementation. # Pass the gt_label to loss function. # Only used by WSLD. loss_module.current_data = data losses[loss_name] = loss_module(s_out, t_out) loss_module.current_data = None return losses
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