
Source code for mmrazor.models.algorithms.spos

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from functools import partial

from mmcv.cnn import get_model_complexity_info
from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm

from mmrazor.models.builder import ALGORITHMS
from .base import BaseAlgorithm

[docs]@ALGORITHMS.register_module() class SPOS(BaseAlgorithm): """Implementation of `SPOS <>`_""" def __init__(self, input_shape=(3, 224, 224), bn_training_mode=False, **kwargs): super(SPOS, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.input_shape = input_shape self.bn_training_mode = bn_training_mode if not self.retraining: self._init_flops() self.apply(partial(self.mutator.reset_in_subnet, in_subnet=True)) def _init_flops(self): """Get flops of all modules in supernet in order to easily get each subnet's flops.""" flops_model = copy.deepcopy(self.architecture) flops_model.eval() if hasattr(flops_model, 'forward_dummy'): flops_model.forward = flops_model.forward_dummy else: raise NotImplementedError( 'FLOPs counter is currently not currently supported with {}'. format(flops_model.__class__.__name__)) flops, params = get_model_complexity_info(flops_model, self.input_shape) flops_lookup = dict() for name, module in flops_model.named_modules(): flops = getattr(module, '__flops__', 0) flops_lookup[name] = flops del (flops_model) for name, module in self.architecture.named_modules(): module.__flops__ = flops_lookup[name]
[docs] def get_subnet_flops(self): """Get subnet's flops based on the complexity information of supernet.""" flops = 0 for name, module in self.architecture.named_modules(): if module.__in_subnet__: flops += getattr(module, '__flops__', 0) return flops
[docs] def train_step(self, data, optimizer): """The iteration step during training. In retraining stage, to train subnet like common model. In pre-training stage, First to sample a subnet from supernet, then to train the subnet. """ if self.retraining: outputs = super(SPOS, self).train_step(data, optimizer) else: subnet_dict = self.mutator.sample_subnet() self.mutator.set_subnet(subnet_dict) outputs = super(SPOS, self).train_step(data, optimizer) return outputs
[docs] def train(self, mode=True): """Overwrite the train method in `nn.Module` to set `nn.BatchNorm` to training mode when model is set to eval mode when `self.bn_training_mode` is `True`. Args: mode (bool): whether to set training mode (`True`) or evaluation mode (`False`). Default: `True`. """ super(SPOS, self).train(mode) if not mode and self.bn_training_mode: for module in self.modules(): if isinstance(module, _BatchNorm): = True
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