
Source code for mmrazor.structures.subnet.fix_subnet

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from mmengine import fileio
from torch import nn

from mmrazor.registry import MODELS
from mmrazor.utils import FixMutable, ValidFixMutable
from mmrazor.utils.typing import DumpChosen

def _dynamic_to_static(model: nn.Module) -> None:
    # Avoid circular import
    from mmrazor.models.architectures.dynamic_ops import DynamicMixin

    def traverse_children(module: nn.Module) -> None:
        for name, mutable in module.items():
            if isinstance(mutable, DynamicMixin):
                module[name] = mutable.to_static_op()
            if hasattr(mutable, '_modules'):

    if isinstance(model, DynamicMixin):
        raise RuntimeError('Root model can not be dynamic op.')

    if hasattr(model, '_modules'):

[docs]def load_fix_subnet(model: nn.Module, subnet_dict: ValidFixMutable, load_subnet_mode: str = 'mutable', prefix: str = '', extra_prefix: str = '') -> None: """Load fix subnet.""" if prefix and extra_prefix: raise RuntimeError('`prefix` and `extra_prefix` can not be set at the ' f'same time, but got {prefix} vs {extra_prefix}') if isinstance(subnet_dict, str): subnet_dict = fileio.load(subnet_dict) if not isinstance(subnet_dict, dict): raise TypeError('subnet_dict should be a `str` or `dict`' f'but got {type(subnet_dict)}') from mmrazor.models.architectures.dynamic_ops import DynamicMixin if isinstance(model, DynamicMixin): raise RuntimeError('Root model can not be dynamic op.') if load_subnet_mode == 'mutable': _load_fix_subnet_by_mutable(model, subnet_dict, prefix, extra_prefix) elif load_subnet_mode == 'mutator': _load_fix_subnet_by_mutator(model, subnet_dict) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid load_subnet_mode {load_subnet_mode}, ' 'only mutable or mutator is supported.') # convert dynamic op to static op _dynamic_to_static(model)
def _load_fix_subnet_by_mutable(model: nn.Module, subnet_dict: Dict, prefix: str = '', extra_prefix: str = '') -> None: # Avoid circular import from mmrazor.models.mutables import DerivedMutable, MutableChannelContainer from mmrazor.models.mutables.base_mutable import BaseMutable def load_fix_module(module): """Load fix module.""" if getattr(module, 'alias', None): alias = module.alias assert alias in subnet_dict, \ f'The alias {alias} is not in fix_modules, ' \ 'please check your `subnet_dict`.' # {chosen=xx, meta=xx) chosen = subnet_dict.get(alias, None) else: if prefix: mutable_name = name.lstrip(prefix) elif extra_prefix: mutable_name = extra_prefix + name else: mutable_name = name if mutable_name not in subnet_dict and not isinstance( module, MutableChannelContainer): raise RuntimeError( f'The module name {mutable_name} is not in ' 'subnet_dict, please check your `subnet_dict`.') # {chosen=xx, meta=xx) chosen = subnet_dict.get(mutable_name, None) if not isinstance(chosen, DumpChosen): chosen = DumpChosen(**chosen) if not module.is_fixed: module.fix_chosen(chosen.chosen) for name, module in model.named_modules(): # The format of `chosen`` is different for each type of mutable. # In the corresponding mutable, it will check whether the `chosen` # format is correct. if isinstance(module, (MutableChannelContainer)): continue if isinstance(module, BaseMutable): if isinstance(module, DerivedMutable): for source_mutable in module.source_mutables: load_fix_module(source_mutable) else: load_fix_module(module) def _load_fix_subnet_by_mutator(model: nn.Module, mutator_cfg: Dict) -> None: if 'channel_unit_cfg' not in mutator_cfg: raise ValueError('mutator_cfg must contain key channel_unit_cfg, ' f'but got mutator_cfg:' f'{mutator_cfg}') mutator = mutator.parse_cfg['from_cfg'] = True mutator.prepare_from_supernet(model)
[docs]def export_fix_subnet( model: nn.Module, export_subnet_mode: str = 'mutable', slice_weight: bool = False, export_channel: bool = False) -> Tuple[FixMutable, Optional[Dict]]: """Export subnet that can be loaded by :func:`load_fix_subnet`. Include subnet structure and subnet weight. Args: model (nn.Module): The target model to export. export_subnet_mode (bool): Subnet export method choice. Export by `mutable.dump_chosen()` when set to 'mutable' (NAS) Export by `mutator.config_template()` when set to 'mutator' (Prune) slice_weight (bool): Export subnet weight. Default to False. export_channel (bool): Whether to export the mutator's channel. Often required when finetune is needed for the exported subnet. Default to False. Return: fix_subnet (ValidFixMutable): Exported subnet choice config. static_model (Optional[Dict]): Exported static model state_dict. Valid when `slice_weight`=True. """ fix_subnet = dict() if export_subnet_mode == 'mutable': fix_subnet = _export_subnet_by_mutable(model) elif export_subnet_mode == 'mutator': fix_subnet = _export_subnet_by_mutator(model, export_channel) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid export_subnet_mode {export_subnet_mode}, ' 'only mutable or mutator is supported.') if slice_weight: # export subnet ckpt from mmrazor.models.mutators import ChannelMutator copied_model = copy.deepcopy(model) if hasattr(model, 'mutator') and \ isinstance(model.mutator, ChannelMutator): _dynamic_to_static(copied_model) else: load_fix_subnet(copied_model, fix_subnet) if next(copied_model.parameters()).is_cuda: copied_model.cuda() return fix_subnet, copied_model else: return fix_subnet, None
def _export_subnet_by_mutable(model: nn.Module) -> Dict: # Avoid circular import from mmrazor.models.mutables import DerivedMutable, MutableChannelContainer from mmrazor.models.mutables.base_mutable import BaseMutable def module_dump_chosen(module, fix_subnet): if module.alias: fix_subnet[module.alias] = module.dump_chosen() else: fix_subnet[name] = module.dump_chosen() fix_subnet: Dict[str, DumpChosen] = dict() for name, module in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, BaseMutable): if isinstance(module, MutableChannelContainer): continue elif isinstance(module, DerivedMutable): for source_mutable in module.source_mutables: module_dump_chosen(source_mutable, fix_subnet) else: module_dump_chosen(module, fix_subnet) return fix_subnet def _export_subnet_by_mutator(model: nn.Module, export_channel: bool) -> Dict: if not hasattr(model, 'mutator'): raise ValueError('model should contain `mutator` attribute, but got ' f'{type(model)} model') fix_subnet = model.mutator.config_template( with_channels=export_channel, with_unit_init_args=True) return fix_subnet
[docs]def convert_fix_subnet(fix_subnet: Dict[str, DumpChosen]): """Convert the fixed subnet to avoid python typing error.""" from mmrazor.utils.typing import DumpChosen converted_fix_subnet = dict() for k, v in fix_subnet.items(): assert isinstance(v, DumpChosen) converted_fix_subnet[k] = dict(chosen=v.chosen) return converted_fix_subnet
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