
Source code for mmrazor.models.mutables.mutable_value.mutable_value

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import random
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from mmrazor.registry import MODELS
from mmrazor.utils.typing import DumpChosen
from ..base_mutable import BaseMutable
from ..derived_mutable import DerivedMethodMixin, DerivedMutable

Value = Union[int, float]

[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class MutableValue(BaseMutable, DerivedMethodMixin): """Base class for mutable value. A mutable value is actually a mutable that adds some functionality to a list containing objects of the same type. Args: value_list (list): List of value, each value must have the same type. default_value (any, optional): Default value, must be one in `value_list`. Default to None. alias (str, optional): alias of the `MUTABLE`. init_cfg (dict, optional): initialization configuration dict for ``BaseModule``. OpenMMLab has implement 5 initializer including `Constant`, `Xavier`, `Normal`, `Uniform`, `Kaiming`, and `Pretrained`. """ def __init__(self, value_list: List[Value], default_value: Optional[Any] = None, alias: Optional[str] = None, init_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: super().__init__(alias, init_cfg) self._check_is_same_type(value_list) self._value_list = value_list if default_value is None: default_value = value_list[0] self.current_choice = default_value @staticmethod def _check_is_same_type(value_list: List[Any]) -> None: """Check whether value in `value_list` has the same type.""" if len(value_list) == 1: return for i in range(1, len(value_list)): is_same_type = type(value_list[i - 1]) is \ type(value_list[i]) # noqa: E721 if not is_same_type: raise TypeError( 'All elements in `value_list` must have same ' f'type, but both types {type(value_list[i-1])} ' f'and type {type(value_list[i])} exist.') @property def mutable_prefix(self) -> str: """Mutable prefix.""" return 'value' @property def choices(self) -> List[Any]: """List of choices.""" return self._value_list
[docs] def fix_chosen(self, chosen: Value) -> None: """Fix mutable value with subnet config. Args: chosen (dict): the information of chosen. """ if self.is_fixed: raise RuntimeError('MutableValue can not be fixed twice') assert chosen in self.choices self.current_choice = chosen self.is_fixed = True
[docs] def dump_chosen(self) -> DumpChosen: """Dump information of chosen. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dumped information. """ chosen = self.export_chosen() meta = dict(all_choices=self.choices) return DumpChosen(chosen=chosen, meta=meta)
def export_chosen(self): return self.current_choice @property def num_choices(self) -> int: """Number of all choices. Returns: int: Number of choices. """ return len(self.choices) @property def current_choice(self) -> Value: """Current choice of mutable value.""" return self._current_choice @current_choice.setter def current_choice(self, choice: Any) -> Any: """Setter of current choice.""" if choice not in self.choices: raise ValueError(f'Expected choice in: {self.choices}, ' f'but got: {choice}') self._current_choice = choice def __rmul__(self, other) -> DerivedMutable: """Please refer to method :func:`__mul__`.""" return self * other def __mul__(self, other: Union[int, float]) -> DerivedMutable: """Overload `*` operator. Args: other (int): Expand ratio. Returns: DerivedMutable: Derived expand mutable. """ if isinstance(other, int): return self.derive_expand_mutable(other) elif isinstance(other, float): return self.derive_expand_mutable(other) raise TypeError(f'Unsupported type {type(other)} for mul!') def __floordiv__(self, other: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> DerivedMutable: """Overload `//` operator. Args: other: (int, tuple): divide ratio for int or (divide ratio, divisor) for tuple. Returns: DerivedMutable: Derived divide mutable. """ if isinstance(other, int): return self.derive_divide_mutable(other) elif isinstance(other, float): return self.derive_divide_mutable(int(other)) if isinstance(other, tuple): assert len(other) == 2 return self.derive_divide_mutable(*other) raise TypeError(f'Unsupported type {type(other)} for div!') def __repr__(self) -> str: s = self.__class__.__name__ s += f'(value_list={self._value_list}, ' s += f'current_choice={self.current_choice})' return s
# TODO # 1. use comparable for type hint # 2. use mixin
[docs]@MODELS.register_module() class OneShotMutableValue(MutableValue): """Class for one-shot mutable value. one-shot mutable value provides `sample_choice` method and `min_choice`, `max_choice` properties on the top of mutable value. Args: value_list (list): List of value, each value must have the same type. default_value (any, optional): Default value, must be one in `value_list`. Default to None. alias (str, optional): alias of the `MUTABLE`. init_cfg (dict, optional): initialization configuration dict for ``BaseModule``. OpenMMLab has implement 5 initializer including `Constant`, `Xavier`, `Normal`, `Uniform`, `Kaiming`, and `Pretrained`. """ def __init__(self, value_list: List[Any], default_value: Optional[Any] = None, alias: Optional[str] = None, init_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: value_list = sorted(value_list) # set default value as max value if default_value is None: default_value = value_list[-1] super().__init__( value_list=value_list, default_value=default_value, alias=alias, init_cfg=init_cfg)
[docs] def sample_choice(self) -> Any: """Random sampling from choices. Returns: Any: Selected choice. """ return random.choice(self.choices)
@property def max_choice(self) -> Any: """Max choice of all choices. Returns: Any: Max choice. """ return self.choices[-1] @property def min_choice(self) -> Any: """Min choice of all choices. Returns: Any: Min choice. """ return self.choices[0] def __mul__(self, other) -> DerivedMutable: """Overload `*` operator. Args: other (int, SquentialMutableChannel): Expand ratio or SquentialMutableChannel. Returns: DerivedMutable: Derived expand mutable. """ from ..mutable_channel import SquentialMutableChannel if isinstance(other, SquentialMutableChannel): return other * self return super().__mul__(other)
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