
Source code for mmrazor.models.mutables.derived_mutable

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import sys

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
    from typing_extensions import Protocol
    from typing import Protocol

import inspect
import logging
from itertools import product
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Set, Union

import torch
from mmengine.logging import print_log
from torch import Tensor

from mmrazor.utils.typing import DumpChosen
from ..utils import make_divisible
from .base_mutable import BaseMutable

class MutableProtocol(Protocol):  # pragma: no cover
    """Protocol for Mutable."""

    def current_choice(self) -> Any:
        """Current choice."""

    def derive_expand_mutable(self, expand_ratio: int) -> Any:
        """Derive expand mutable."""

    def derive_divide_mutable(self, ratio: int, divisor: int) -> Any:
        """Derive divide mutable."""

class MutableChannelProtocol(MutableProtocol):  # pragma: no cover
    """Protocol for MutableChannel."""

    def current_mask(self) -> Tensor:
        """Current mask."""

def _expand_choice_fn(mutable: MutableProtocol,
                      expand_ratio: Union[int, float]) -> Callable:
    """Helper function to build `choice_fn` for expand derived mutable."""

    def fn():
        return int(mutable.current_choice * expand_ratio)

    return fn

def _expand_mask_fn(
        mutable: MutableProtocol,
        expand_ratio: Union[int, float]) -> Callable:  # pragma: no cover
    """Helper function to build `mask_fn` for expand derived mutable."""
    if not hasattr(mutable, 'current_mask'):
        raise ValueError('mutable must have attribute `currnet_mask`')

    def fn():
        mask = mutable.current_mask
        if isinstance(expand_ratio, int):
            expand_num_channels = mask.size(0) * expand_ratio
            expand_choice = mutable.current_choice * expand_ratio
        elif isinstance(expand_ratio, float):
            expand_num_channels = int(mask.size(0) * expand_ratio)
            expand_choice = int(mutable.current_choice * expand_ratio)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'Not support type of expand_ratio: {type(expand_ratio)}')
        expand_mask = torch.zeros(expand_num_channels).bool()
        expand_mask[:expand_choice] = True

        return expand_mask

    return fn

def _divide_and_divise(x: int, ratio: int, divisor: int = 8) -> int:
    """Helper function for divide and divise."""
    new_x = x // ratio

    return make_divisible(new_x, divisor)  # type: ignore

def _divide_choice_fn(mutable: MutableProtocol,
                      ratio: int,
                      divisor: int = 8) -> Callable:
    """Helper function to build `choice_fn` for divide derived mutable."""

    def fn():
        return _divide_and_divise(mutable.current_choice, ratio, divisor)

    return fn

def _divide_mask_fn(mutable: MutableProtocol,
                    ratio: int,
                    divisor: int = 8) -> Callable:  # pragma: no cover
    """Helper function to build `mask_fn` for divide derived mutable."""
    if not hasattr(mutable, 'current_mask'):
        raise ValueError('mutable must have attribute `currnet_mask`')

    def fn():
        mask = mutable.current_mask
        divide_num_channels = _divide_and_divise(mask.size(0), ratio, divisor)
        divide_choice = _divide_and_divise(mutable.current_choice, ratio,
        divide_mask = torch.zeros(divide_num_channels).bool()
        divide_mask[:divide_choice] = True

        return divide_mask

    return fn

def _concat_choice_fn(mutables: Iterable[MutableChannelProtocol]) -> Callable:
    """Helper function to build `choice_fn` for concat derived mutable."""

    def fn():
        return sum((m.current_choice for m in mutables))

    return fn

def _concat_mask_fn(mutables: Iterable[MutableChannelProtocol]) -> Callable:
    """Helper function to build `mask_fn` for concat derived mutable."""

    def fn():
        return[m.current_mask for m in mutables])

    return fn

class DerivedMethodMixin:
    """A mixin that provides some useful method to derive mutable."""

    def derive_same_mutable(self: MutableProtocol) -> 'DerivedMutable':
        """Derive same mutable as the source."""
        return self.derive_expand_mutable(expand_ratio=1)

    def derive_expand_mutable(
            self: MutableProtocol,
            expand_ratio: Union[int, BaseMutable, float]) -> 'DerivedMutable':
        """Derive expand mutable, usually used with `expand_ratio`."""
        # avoid circular import
        if isinstance(expand_ratio, int):
            choice_fn = _expand_choice_fn(self, expand_ratio=expand_ratio)
        elif isinstance(expand_ratio, float):
            choice_fn = _expand_choice_fn(self, expand_ratio=expand_ratio)
        elif isinstance(expand_ratio, BaseMutable):
            current_ratio = expand_ratio.current_choice
            choice_fn = _expand_choice_fn(self, expand_ratio=current_ratio)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'Not support type of ratio: {type(expand_ratio)}')

        mask_fn: Optional[Callable] = None
        if hasattr(self, 'current_mask'):
            if isinstance(expand_ratio, int):
                mask_fn = _expand_mask_fn(self, expand_ratio=expand_ratio)
            elif isinstance(expand_ratio, float):
                mask_fn = _expand_mask_fn(self, expand_ratio=expand_ratio)
            elif isinstance(expand_ratio, BaseMutable):
                mask_fn = _expand_mask_fn(self, expand_ratio=current_ratio)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f'Not support type of ratio: {type(expand_ratio)}')

        return DerivedMutable(choice_fn=choice_fn, mask_fn=mask_fn)

    def derive_divide_mutable(self: MutableProtocol,
                              ratio: Union[int, float, BaseMutable],
                              divisor: int = 8) -> 'DerivedMutable':
        """Derive divide mutable, usually used with `make_divisable`."""
        from .mutable_channel import BaseMutableChannel

        # avoid circular import
        if isinstance(ratio, int):
            choice_fn = _divide_choice_fn(self, ratio=ratio, divisor=divisor)
            current_ratio = ratio
        elif isinstance(ratio, float):
            current_ratio = int(ratio)
            choice_fn = _divide_choice_fn(self, ratio=current_ratio, divisor=1)
        elif isinstance(ratio, BaseMutable):
            current_ratio = int(ratio.current_choice)
            choice_fn = _divide_choice_fn(self, ratio=current_ratio, divisor=1)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'Not support type of ratio: {type(ratio)}')

        mask_fn: Optional[Callable] = None
        if isinstance(self, BaseMutableChannel) and hasattr(
                self, 'current_mask'):
            mask_fn = _divide_mask_fn(
                self, ratio=current_ratio, divisor=divisor)
        elif getattr(self, 'mask_fn', None):  # OneShotMutableChannel
            mask_fn = _divide_mask_fn(
                self, ratio=current_ratio, divisor=divisor)

        return DerivedMutable(choice_fn=choice_fn, mask_fn=mask_fn)

    def derive_concat_mutable(
            mutables: Iterable[MutableChannelProtocol]) -> 'DerivedMutable':
        """Derive concat mutable, usually used with ``."""
        for mutable in mutables:
            if not hasattr(mutable, 'current_mask'):
                raise RuntimeError('Source mutable of concat derived mutable '
                                   'must have attribute `currnet_mask`')

        choice_fn = _concat_choice_fn(mutables)
        mask_fn = _concat_mask_fn(mutables)

        return DerivedMutable(choice_fn=choice_fn, mask_fn=mask_fn)

[docs]class DerivedMutable(BaseMutable, DerivedMethodMixin): """Class for derived mutable. A derived mutable is a mutable derived from other mutables that has `current_choice` and `current_mask` attributes (if any). Note: A derived mutable does not have its own search space, so it is not legal to modify its `current_choice` or `current_mask` directly. And the only way to modify them is by modifying `current_choice` or `current_mask` in corresponding source mutables. Args: choice_fn (callable): A closure that controls how to generate `current_choice`. mask_fn (callable, optional): A closure that controls how to generate `current_mask`. Defaults to None. source_mutables (iterable, optional): Specify source mutables for this derived mutable. If the argument is None, source mutables will be traced automatically by parsing mutables in closure variables. Defaults to None. alias (str, optional): alias of the `MUTABLE`. Defaults to None. init_cfg (dict, optional): initialization configuration dict for ``BaseModule``. OpenMMLab has implement 5 initializer including `Constant`, `Xavier`, `Normal`, `Uniform`, `Kaiming`, and `Pretrained`. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> from mmrazor.models.mutables import SquentialMutableChannel >>> mutable_channel = SquentialMutableChannel(num_channels=3) >>> # derive expand mutable >>> derived_mutable_channel = mutable_channel * 2 >>> # source mutables will be traced automatically >>> derived_mutable_channel.source_mutables {SquentialMutableChannel(name=unbind, num_channels=3, current_choice=3)} # noqa: E501 >>> # modify `current_choice` of `mutable_channel` >>> mutable_channel.current_choice = 2 >>> # `current_choice` and `current_mask` of derived mutable will be modified automatically # noqa: E501 >>> derived_mutable_channel DerivedMutable(current_choice=4, activated_channels=4, source_mutables={SquentialMutableChannel(name=unbind, num_channels=3, current_choice=2)}, is_fixed=False) # noqa: E501 """ def __init__(self, choice_fn: Callable, mask_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, source_mutables: Optional[Iterable[BaseMutable]] = None, alias: Optional[str] = None, init_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: super().__init__(alias, init_cfg) self.choice_fn = choice_fn self.mask_fn = mask_fn if source_mutables is None: source_mutables = self._trace_source_mutables() if len(source_mutables) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Can not find source mutables automatically, ' 'please provide manually.') else: source_mutables = set(source_mutables) for mutable in source_mutables: if not self.is_source_mutable(mutable): raise ValueError('Expect all mutable to be source mutable, ' f'but {mutable} is not') self.source_mutables = source_mutables # TODO # has no effect
[docs] def fix_chosen(self, chosen) -> None: """Fix mutable with subnet config. Warning: Fix derived mutable will have no actually effect. """ print_log( 'Trying to fix chosen for derived mutable, ' 'which will have no effect.', level=logging.WARNING)
[docs] def dump_chosen(self) -> DumpChosen: """Dump information of chosen. Returns: Dict: Dumped information. """ print_log( 'Trying to dump chosen for derived mutable, ' 'but its value depend on the source mutables.', level=logging.WARNING) return DumpChosen(chosen=self.export_chosen(), meta=None)
def export_chosen(self): return self.current_choice @property def is_fixed(self) -> bool: """Whether the derived mutable is fixed. Note: Depends on whether all source mutables are already fixed. """ return all(m.is_fixed for m in self.source_mutables) @is_fixed.setter def is_fixed(self, is_fixed: bool) -> bool: """Setter of is fixed.""" raise RuntimeError( '`is_fixed` of derived mutable should not be modified directly') @property def choices(self): origin_choices = [m.current_choice for m in self.source_mutables] all_choices = [m.choices for m in self.source_mutables] product_choices = product(*all_choices) derived_choices = list() for item_choices in product_choices: for m, choice in zip(self.source_mutables, item_choices): m.current_choice = choice derived_choices.append(self.choice_fn()) for m, choice in zip(self.source_mutables, origin_choices): m.current_choice = choice return derived_choices @property def num_choices(self) -> int: """Number of all choices. Note: Since derive mutable does not have its own search space, the number of choices will always be `1`. Returns: int: Number of choices. """ return 1 @property def current_choice(self): """Current choice of derived mutable.""" return self.choice_fn() @current_choice.setter def current_choice(self, choice) -> None: """Setter of current choice. Raises: RuntimeError: Error when `current_choice` of derived mutable is modified directly. """ raise RuntimeError('Choice of drived mutable can not be set.') @property def current_mask(self) -> Tensor: """Current mask of derived mutable.""" if self.mask_fn is None: raise RuntimeError( '`mask_fn` must be set before access `current_mask`.') return self.mask_fn() @current_mask.setter def current_mask(self, mask: Tensor) -> None: """Setter of current mask. Raises: RuntimeError: Error when `current_mask` of derived mutable is modified directly. """ raise RuntimeError('Mask of drived mutable can not be set.') @staticmethod def _trace_source_mutables_from_closure( closure: Callable) -> Set[BaseMutable]: """Trace source mutables from closure.""" source_mutables: Set[BaseMutable] = set() def add_mutables_dfs( mutable: Union[Iterable, BaseMutable, Dict]) -> None: nonlocal source_mutables if isinstance(mutable, BaseMutable): if isinstance(mutable, DerivedMutable): source_mutables |= mutable.source_mutables else: source_mutables.add(mutable) # dict is also iterable, should parse first elif isinstance(mutable, dict): add_mutables_dfs(mutable.values()) add_mutables_dfs(mutable.keys()) elif isinstance(mutable, Iterable): for m in mutable: add_mutables_dfs(m) noncolcal_pars = inspect.getclosurevars(closure).nonlocals add_mutables_dfs(noncolcal_pars.values()) return source_mutables def _trace_source_mutables(self) -> Set[BaseMutable]: """Trace source mutables.""" source_mutables = self._trace_source_mutables_from_closure( self.choice_fn) if self.mask_fn is not None: source_mutables |= self._trace_source_mutables_from_closure( self.mask_fn) return source_mutables
[docs] @staticmethod def is_source_mutable(mutable: object) -> bool: """Judge whether an object is source mutable(not derived mutable). Args: mutable (object): An object. Returns: bool: Indicate whether the object is source mutable or not. """ return isinstance(mutable, BaseMutable) and \ not isinstance(mutable, DerivedMutable)
# TODO # should be __str__? but can not provide info when debug def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' s += f'current_choice={self.current_choice}, ' if self.mask_fn is not None: s += f'activated_channels={self.current_mask.sum().item()}, ' s += f'source_mutables={self.source_mutables}, ' s += f'is_fixed={self.is_fixed})' return s
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